Must-See Bike Reuses

Must-See Bike Reuses

July 4, 2020 Off By Molly Wilson

Your old bike is broken? You feel bad to throw it because it reminds you of your childhood and your parents that taught you to drive? Don’t throw it but reuse it and give it new life! For example, check these must-see bike reuses and try to make some of the crafts at your own home!

Also, read about how to reuse the old tires and you will never have to feel boring with amazing ideas like these!

Bike reuses ideas

In our first photo collage, you can see what to do with half a bike. For example, here you can plant and grow your flowers. Or, to keep here your newspaper and books and read favorite books! Find some ideas in this photo.

bike reuses
Photo via

Bike reuses as hanger for walls

In the second photo we can see bike reuse as hanger for your coats and dress. It’s great idea for one industrial home, if you like the idea, try to make it at your own home.

bike reuses
Photo via

Bring the light with these bike ideas

You can either have light at home with your old bikes. This is how to arrange the bikes at home and have perfect indirect light you have ever seen in life.

Photo via

Bicycle wheel as wall clock

What to do with wheels? Reuse it, hang it on the house walls and transform it into a wall clock. Check the idea in the photo now and inspire yourself. I think that I would love to have a wall clock like this in my house place!

wheel wall clock
Photo via

I hope you didn’t waste your time on anything and you will keep following our page in the future when we will be back with new ideas like this! Thanks for all time spent with us!