When Does Your Baby Recognize you?
Many young and new mothers today want to learn everything connected with their newborns. Me, as a mother of two children, have enough experience to write a post and give you a little advice about your baby and tell you when the baby will recognize you. Today’s post will be aimed as I said before, when does your baby recognize you. I made a little research and will try to give you the answer to this question. Stay with me for some time and read the full text that is informative for all new parents.
READ THE LAST POST: If we can’t go out, we can move to the balconies.

Babies recognize mother’s immediately after birth
Newborns can recognize it’s mother’s voice almost immediately after birth. So, your baby already knows your voice, feels your smell because he was already with you in the 9 months, hearing your voice, listening to your heartbeat. The songs you were listening while your baby was in the tomb, turn it on again and the baby will be calmed when is crying.
So, about the face, the baby will need around within days or even 2 months to get to know you better and learn the faces of its mother and father, sister, or brother. To learn the family that will be surrounding here every day while the baby will be growing.
By the time of 8 months baby will recognize you from across the room
In the period when your baby is growing and developing, the vision is getting better and it’s improving. By the period of 8 months, your baby already will recognize you when you enter the room. By the period of 1 year, the vision is getting even better and the baby already has feelings for you as a mother and also for his father, siblings, and grandparents.
At the age of 2, your baby starts remembering some things
When your baby is already 2, you have done great work! Your cute small 24 months baby is already a child now. The vision is now better and the child already can’t imagine the day without seeing you as a mom. You can’t even go to the store without taking the baby with you, because the baby is so small that scares that you will leave him. Although, the situation is the same as the other members of the family. ( depends how much time baby spends with them)
Now, your child remembers everything you have done, everything you said. So, be careful what are you doing because in this period your child needs so much love, care, attention to grow correctly. Your child needs playtime, attention from you as a parent and as the time goes on, the child won’t remember how much money did you spent on buying some toys but will remember the love you gave him.
To sum up, I think that parent’s love for their child is unconditional. We as parents should be calm full, patient, should spend more free time caring for our babies. Don’t worry, the baby will surely start recognizing you if you are a good person!