Kitchen Dimensions That Might Help You
When you are moving to a NEW HOUSE, you probably want to have the best design for all the rooms that are part of that house. If you don’t really know how to make the best choice for the design, let us help you with our dimensions. Before choosing the design you need to see these kitchen dimensions that will give you an example of the thing that you have to be searching for.
For example, if you want a modern kitchen cabinet, you need to see our kitchen dimensions that will be so helpful to you. Let me tell you that all the dimensions here are a standard positioning for the kitchen place and keep it in mind next time when choosing a design of a kitchen island or cabinet.
Take a look in our modern dressing table that we will present you right now.
In this photo you can see how much space do you need to stay for seating on a high bar stool and still to touch the kitchen island. choose practical kitchen cabinet for you with these dimensions, don’t miss to see it!
I think that if you keep in mind our dimension here you will become a professional kitchen designer. 🙂 Share the dimensions with your friends who are in plan to change the design of their kitchen place.
This is the standard positioning for the distance between two kitchen islands or cabinets. Make an equal paralel distance and enjoy in the modern kitchen. Leave enough place for passing here and preparing the favorite food.
In the photo here you can see how much distance you nave to leave in the space of the range, sink, refrigerator and the dishwasher. rule number one is that the dishawsher needs to be next to the sink. Take a look in the photo and the things will be pure for you.
How much space do you need between the kitchen cabinet and kitchen island? Well, you will need a space around 1 meter as you can see in the photo. Also check the other dimensions that will tell you the dimesnions of the kitchen island, bar stool, etc…
Also we give you the chance to see the dimensions of angled kitchens that might be helpful for you. Take a look and learn something new now.
3D house plan for the kitchen place. With the help of the 3D program, we can have visual look to the future design of our kitchen We can see clearly on things in the kitchen and easily to decide about the look.
If you have seen all the dimensions that we mentioned previously, it only stays to see these tips that will tell you which are the most appropriate dimensions of the kitchen sink and the distance.
Next time when choosing new kitchen cabinet, remember these dimensions and tips, thanks for your attention!