Paris is a Dream. Dream With Open Eyes…
December 10, 2019Sometimes we can dream with open eyes, sometimes we can dream to be in some places where you can travel with hours. With hours to not feeling hungry because you are feeding of those beautiful nature and places. Buil dings around, streets with modern architecture, people and children laughing around. During the wintertime, there is…
Awesome Buildings Around the World
December 20, 2018World’s architecture is amazing and eyes catching. Hereinafter, we will try to give you the most awesome buildings around the world. Come on, let’s have fun together and to see the most amazing architectural buildings. If you have some extra free time, check our creative bricklayer who makes art by using stones, rocks and bricks.…
Creative Bricklayer Transforms Stones Into Art
December 19, 2018There are people who can transform everyday objects into masterpieces. Today, we are going to show you how one creative bricklayer transforms stones into art. His name is Johnny Clasper, he has his own website where he shares all their stones work. He says that his passion for stone taken him in many different directions,…