Magnificent DIY Cement Flower Pots

Magnificent DIY Cement Flower Pots

April 25, 2020 Off By Molly Wilson

Sometimes happens to have more flowers than having pots and we have no place to plant our flowers. In this period, we can’t even buy pots because stores are closed but our plants can’t wait!? Don’t worry at all! When you are creative, you don’t need any store shop! And, when you follow are our page you are surely an inspired, person! You can make all stuff, crafts at home and in the yard! For example, when you are inspired you can even make magnificent DIY cement flower pots like in the FOLLOWING! See what’s about it in the following photos.

Also, check other CEMENT PROJECT about how to make perfect wooden stool and a small coffee table. This is also amazing, go back and check it!

DIY cement flower pots

To make these pots you will need:

  • cement
  • water
  • old t-shirts, towels or bathing
  • pale

See the following photos that are the start and the end of the project and will help you to learn how to make the same pots at own yard place. With this, you will find perfect home for your flowers and in the same time will beautify your garden place.

diy cement flower pots
Photo via

After all, this will be the final result and you can place the pots outdoors in the garden, on the balcony place, or even in interiors.

DIY cement flower pots
Photo via

If you don’t like the grey color, you can paint the pots in your favorite color. The result you have the chance to see it hereinafter.

cement pots
Photo via

And this is the project result when you add no paint but leave it to be cement color. I will choose this if someday make the same project and find home for my flowers! what about you, tell us in comment below post!

cement pots
Photo via

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